Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Great New Stuff!

We just keep getting more and more stuff. At the Punk Rock Flea Market, I scored some awesome bicycle and flower screenprinted felt pouches and a new zine called How to Love and Use Herbs. It's incredible! It discusses many common herbs like lavendar, thyme, basil, rosemary, spearmint and how to grow them. It also containes recipes using the herbs for both cooking and for health.

We also got in new bumper stickers, patches, and an awesome zine-related book, Indestructible. The follow up to Green Zine #14; Cristy Road now offers up a novel about her years in grade school and high school in Miami - valiantly trying to figure out and defend her gender identity, cultural roots, punk rock nature, and mortality. You know that the artwork alone in here makes this a page turner and the whole package more exciting. Cristy has always existed to remind us of the strength and ability of punk youth--for addressing things like rape, homophobia, and mysogyny. This is no exception; giving voice to every frustrated 15 year old girl under fire from her peers for being queer or butch or punk.


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